Friday, May 18, 2007

It is quite of unique design for Vietnamese banner.

It is a banner of game online that locate near the campus. I have never notice it, until I have problem with my bike and stop by the fork near campus (about week 3-5) . Comepare to usual banner of this type which are some images of (a game online) and some boring text, this banner really unusual.

The one who make this banner has a good play with text, color and layout. He/she put the word "game online" and "hs" in the line of number 24 in a nice way. Its message certainly is "24 hours game online". Arrows next the the text would tell viewer the location of the shop's location, those arrows and the font make me feel kind of modern tech, I think it is good reference for the service of this shop (let people rent computer to play game).

There is a lot of white space in this design. It is very unusual for this type of banner in Vietnam (all the other of this kind look very scram). The color is worn out (as expect to be exposed to Vietnamese weather), but it still look very nice. Red/pink + green + white this is great use of color and quite rare to see in Vietnamese banner design.

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